My Version of Success Is Different Than Yours
Success is open to many interpretations. For some it means a high-paying career. Others might define success as having money and owning stuff. Others may base their success off how much they can produce. Some just want happiness and health. Chances are good that my version of success is different than yours.
Success Is an Individual Construct
Certainly, we can find a fairly standard definition of success in any dictionary, but whose standard is that? It’s simply the societal standard that was set years ago. I dare say that things are changing. The old way of defining success is disappearing. Today, each person can make their own definition of success. Here’s mine:
Success is living the life I want to live.
It’s as simple as that. Let me explain a few things that are important to me. These are some of my goals, part of my rubric for defining success.
- Having little to zero debt: I’m in the process of eliminating debt. In fact, I’ll likely be putting my house up for sale in the coming weeks so that I can pay off the majority of my consumer debt. Having no debt is freeing. Being free is part of my definition of success.
- Owning only the needed possessions: I dislike clutter. I see no point in owning things I rarely use. Limiting possessions to the basics is important to me. If your home is full of stuff you never use, something has failed.
- Creating original art: Music and writing are necessities in my world. To create is an act of discipline and magic. Making unique pieces of music and writing creative works are things I look forward to every day. Creativity gives me purpose.
- Sharing what I create with others: Creating is moot if you can’t share your creations with others. I don’t have to make loads of money from my work to be successful. But if there are people learning from what I write or enjoying my musical recordings, then I’m a success.
- Caring for the ones I love: Of course, caring for my family and friends is an important part of my version of success. How can I feel like I’ve accomplished anything if I let down the ones I love?
What’s Your Version of Success?
Okay, now it’s your turn. Your version of success will likely differ from mine. That’s good. If we all follow a one-size-fits-all mentality for success, fewer of us will ever be satisfied. We’ll feel pressured to say and do what’s been prescribed by a single definition.
I encourage you to spend some time writing your own definition of success. Then create a short list of things that are important to you. This will give you a vision and some goals to work toward. You’ll understand yourself more completely and there will be less resistance in the way of you reaching your potential.
If you’d like to learn more simple habits for success, sign up for my newsletter today. You’ll get my free eBook, The Happiness of Simple.
Originally published at on April 10, 2019.