The Answer Isn’t Political, It’s Simple

Dan Steven Erickson
4 min readMay 10, 2017

I don’t like to talk politics, but I believe we can make a strong political statement through the action of simple living. That statement could spread, creating positive changes that could change the face of the nation. Let me explain: Simplism.

Those who know me, know that a lean a bit to the left in my politics. I’m more likely to vote Democrat than Republican. I hope I didn’t just lose half my audience. That’s why I don’t like to talk politics here. But give me a chance, okay?

Even though I lean left, I believe in helping others learn how to help themselves. And I don’t really like big government. I have an independent, libertarian streak in me.

This Is Where Simple Living Comes In

I’d like to see a wide-scale cultural change toward simple living. I’m doing my part, along with people like

and many others. If we can convince more people to live simple, we can help cut back on social programs that cost us all tax dollars. And who doesn’t want lower taxes?

I support social programs. I’m an advocate for helping the elderly, the poor, veterans, and others who are struggling to make it on their own. But I’ve noticed that even those on the lower end of the economic spectrum hold onto many of the same unnecessary possessions as the middle class. I’ve had friends on welfare, but often they still have big-screen TVs, smartphones, big cars, and other items that they can’t really afford. Often, it’s the same stuff that keeps them from moving forward.

Imagine Everyone Living More Simply

Imagine how that could benefit us all.

  • What if the size of the average American home was reduced by 500–1000 square feet?
  • What if only one car per family became the norm?
  • What if everyone started planting gardens in their back yards?
  • What if we could make moderate minimalism the norm for the average American.
  • What if we got rid of cable TV?
  • What if we all owned less digital devices?
  • What if more people walked, biked and used public transportation as their primary mode of transportation?

We Need Change: How About Simplism?

One reason we have so many people on welfare is because people can’t exist on low-wage jobs. One reason they can’t exist on low wages is that our culture requires them to live at a certain media-influenced comfort level. Do you see where I’m going?

If we lower the cultural expectations of the status quo, it will be easier for those who earn less money to live, because we’ll all be living more simply. This will reduce expenses and the need for many social programs. We’ll also lower our carbon footprint and become better stewards of the environment. It’s a win-win scenario. If we all live simple, we all share the rewards. We could call it Simplism.

I know that there are a lot of structural problems in our political system. I know we need to address a crapload of issues. But lowering our over-the-top standard of living might be a the start to changing everything.

“That sounds great, Dan, but what can I do?” I’m glad you asked, because I made a list for you.

4 Ways To Promote Simplism

  1. Live simple: Set an example for your family, friends, and neighbors. Cut back on how many things you own. Watch less TV. Drive less often. Ride a bike. Recycle.
  2. Grow your own: Take out a chunk of lawn. Plant a garden. Grow your own vegetables. Be more self sufficient. Share your harvest with friends and neighbors.
  3. Vote for simple-friendly laws and politicians: Here’s where politics can make a difference. Study proposals and politicians. Vote for people and laws that are for the everyday people rather than for crony capitalists. I wrote a post about the tiny house movement awhile back. Often, it’s hard to build small houses because of current laws and building codes. Vote in people who will push to change those laws and codes.
  4. Spread the word: Keep reading Hip Diggs’ posts. Tell your friends about Hip Diggs. Join Hip Diggs on Facebook. Seek out and read other informative websites about simple living and minimalism. Share simple-living articles on social media.

Don’t worry, I promise I’m not going to start regularly posting political posts. I like to keep things practical at Hip Diggs. But I thought this needed to be mentioned. If we can change the politics of simple and influence the status quo, then we’ll be on the way to changing the face of the nation, and the world.

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